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Labor campaign to save Glenden is for 17 homes

A Queensland Government report has finally revealed the truth of the so-called “save Glenden” campaign after identifying that there are only 17 freehold homes in the mining camp town.

The Glenden Tenure Implementation Pathway Plan circulated to key stakeholders, including QCoal, for comment and feedback has identified that there are a total of 102 freehold lots in the town of Glenden, of which only 32 are owned by private individuals.

“This report finally exposes the cynical and deceitful State Government Glenden legislation for what it really is,” Energy Resources Queensland (ERQ) spokesperson Paul Turner said today.

“The State Government’s campaign has been based on lies since the beginning, but now they have proved it in their own document. This was never about actually saving anything, it was about getting a headline,” he said.

The Pathway Plan’s revelation that there are only 32 lots owned by private individuals means that there are, in fact, fewer than 20 private homes in Glenden.

“Of the 32 private properties identified by the State Government, 13 are owned by QCoal and two are leased from a local by the company for occupation by Byerwen mine workers,” Mr Turner said.

“No wonder the State Government is trying to force mine workers and their families to live in the town once Glencore closes Newlands mine.”

ERQ was created by QCoal and its partners in the Byerwen mine who were outraged when an amendment to the Queensland Mining Act forcing the mine to close its camp and move its 800 workers into Glenden, more than 40 minutes away from the mine.

The amendment was introduced to State Parliament attached to a child protection bill with 18 minutes notice, no consultation of Parliamentary Committee review and in breach of the Human Rights Act.

“While QCoal continues to support Glenden, we have always offered our workers the choice of whether they wish to live in the town, or in a camp on site,” Mr Turner said.

“The State Government, through this legislation, has removed the basic human right of allowing Queenslanders the choice of where they live.”

Glenden has significantly deteriorated over the last decade with the closure of many of its community facilities, supermarket, pharmacy, newsagent, dump and childcare centre.  

Meanwhile, the State Government and Isaac Regional Council have supported camps at other mines within 50km of Glenden with no contribution to the town.

“Almost 90 per cent of Byerwen’s workers already live in regional Queensland and should not be forced to move to Glenden just to support the political campaigns of the former mayor and the Minister,” he said.

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